12 Days of Wellness: Day 5

Day 5: Stress


Stress management. Another phrase we hear a lot, but many don't take seriously. 

Stressors of life are inevitable, but it is our mindset that we have control over. The habits and patterns we create in our lives dictate how stress affects us.

Here are a few simple strategies to consider when stress seems abundant:

Breathe. It seems simple enough. Our bodies do if without prompting. But when we are stressed, our breathing can become shallow and rapid. Slow it down by taking intentional deep breaths. Start with 10. In through your nose, then out through your mouth with a soft sigh. Try to focus more on exhaling fully. The best thing about deep breathing exercises is you can practice anywhere and anytime. Yoga and meditation are other activities that incorporate breathing techniques to manage stress and promote mindfulness. 

Plan. Whenever possible, planning ahead can keep stress in check. What are some of the biggest stressors in your life? Whether it is financial, social, physical, occupational, political, etc. The more aware you are of your 'triggers,' the easier it will be to manage. Especially during the holiday season, when your sanity can be pushed to the max. Try taking 10 minutes to yourself to write down those common stressors. Under each one, write a realistic situation that could help alleviate some of that stress, i.e. a plan. It may not be short term and it may not be easy, but the idea of that plan can help remind you that all is not lost and there is hope in the future. 

Talk. This has become an unintentional theme of 12 day of wellness, but I'm happy about this. Reaching out to a friend can make a world of difference when it comes to handling stress or dealing with change. Outside perspective can allow you to consider options you may not have come to alone. If you feel like stress is a chronic issue for you, creeping into more areas of life and affecting your mood, consider talking to a professional therapist or counselor. Your feelings are important. Prioritize your wellness! 

Peace and wellness, to you! I hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend. 

Until tomorrow,


12 Days of Wellness 

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